Checking in with You, How’s Everything Going?

How are you doing with all that is going on in the world lately? We’ve all had to adjust to a new normal, haven’t we? We’ve had to cancel or reschedule business plans like our Gifts of Imperfection™ Creative Retreat for Helping Professionals. We’ve also, and very sadly have had to stop seeing our clients face to face, and have had to stop, for now, seeing those who live in facilities due to the strict but essential quarantine.

Despite my family having to cancel our spring break plans, my son is learning what homeschooling is really like, and my daughter has had to move home from college and is doing her classes virtually. We have been baking more, walking more, and spending more quality time together.  I’ve learned how to do therapy differently (offering video and phone sessions) and have had some extra much needed time to catch up on things I have been putting off. There has been a lot of positive things that have come out of this.

With that said, there is so much uncertainty right now, which can heighten our anxiety leading to an increase of our fears. If we focus on those things we cannot control, we will go around and around with our ever-increasing fears and anxiety. But guess what? There are things we’ve never been able to control. We’ve never been able to control the weather. We’ve never been able to control what other people feel or do. We’ve never been able to control the passage of time or even the beating of our own hearts. The only thing we can control is ourselves. We can control what we do, how we respond, and what we take in or absorb.

I’m speaking to myself as I type this. I have to remind myself often that I am allowed to make choices. I can choose to go on a walk, or not. I can choose to have a cookie or not. I can choose to not wash my hands, or I can choose to wash them for the recommended 20 seconds while humming a simple tune. I can choose to smile. I can choose to rest.

When we focus on the choices we have, it shows us how much control we really have over our lives. In focusing on those things, we can choose, we can calm our amygdala (the panicky part of our brain) because it will begin to feel less out of control.

So today, what choices are you going to make to help you feel more in control? Today, I am choosing to turn off the news. I already chose to walk with my dog, a mile out and a mile back. I’m choosing to listen to some of my favorite uplifting music. I’m choosing to finish up some projects I’ve been avoiding working on. I am also choosing to continue to rest and get this flu virus out of me—for good.

Here are some things ideas of what you can choose to do today:

  1. Brené Brown has a new podcast called Unlocking Us.

  2. Mary Demuth has an app and podcast called Pray Everyday, where she shares a bible verse and short, very encouraging devotional.

  3. There is an app called Headspace which teaches you how to sleep better, appreciate your body’s movements through mindfulness and explore ways to help calm your mind and body. (If you are a healthcare provider, this app is free with your NPI number during this crisis time).

  4. Choose to practice self-care. Choose to eat healthy, exercise, and be kind to yourself. When you feel the negativity creep in, or the lie that you have no choices or control, speak truth to yourself and remind yourself of all of the choices you do have.

  5. No matter where you are in the country, if you need extra support, know that we are just a phone call away. Even though we are practicing social distancing, our therapists are able to provide the same quality service to you as before. You can call (864) 501-3633 or email to make an appointment. If you are in crisis, please call 911, or the national Suicide Prevention lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.

  6. Remember you are not alone.

Much love to you, with many hugs—from a distance with a mask and washed hands.
